
Module cors enables you to set fine-grained controls about what cross origin requests your API will accept. It follows the recommended standard of the W3C cors

NOTE: If support for preflight request is required, the verb: OPTIONS must be included in the list of accepted verbs.


This module will be processed on the request and response (upstream and downstream flow).

| Action        |    Module    |
+-------------  | ------------ +
| onRequest     |      X       |
| onResponse    |      X       |


- cors: { AllowedOrigins: [""] //default: "*"
          AllowedMethods: [""] //default: GET,POST
          AllowedHeaders: [""] //default: Accept, Content-Type, Origin
          ExposedHeaders: [""] //default: ""
          AllowCredentials: bool //default: false
          MaxAge: int //default: 0
          Debug: bool //default: false [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET]


We welcome bug fixes, improvements and new features. Just please open an issue and tell us about your intentions first, we really value your time and we dont want to risk duplicating efforts.